Chronicles of my endeavors to grasp new concepts through less-than-good blog entries.
Pausing My Blockchain Endeavours and Exploring New Things
I took the time to explore Blockchain in Rust/Substrate, though not extensively, to get a concrete feeling of it. I did some tutorials, built a Rust-based state machine (thanks to an excellent tutorial by Shawn Tabrizi), and brushed up on my Solidity skills. As expressed in my previous blog post, I wanted to build something…
Building My First Blockchain/Substrate Project
I think I have enough Rust and Blockchain knowledge to start getting my hands dirty with my first “serious” blockchain project. I took a while back a basic bootcamp learning about the Ethereum ecosystem. I got introduced to basic cryptography in the context of DLTs, I learnt some Solidity then touched on multisigs in my…
Burnout in Tech: a bit about my journey
Burnout in tech is hard. I’ve experienced it twice in my career, and it negatively influenced every aspect of my life. The first time was in early 2022. The second was just months ago, but I managed it more efficiently this time. I had learned the hard way how to detect the red flags and…
Hello world!
Welcome to my weblog ! I like writing, I feel more intelligent when I write! I certainly learn much more by writing. I’ll try to keep writing here as a habit, mainly to force myself to learn new things and share what I learn. The main topics of my blog are software engineering, Rust programming,…